Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Ever had the urge to drive over the speed limit? Even by a little or maybe a bit too much? Come on, we all done it before. But have you ever thought about the consequences? In my case, I did. I already knew when to slow down when I see a cop behind or beside me. I knew that I will get a speeding ticket if I ever got caught. Unfortunately, I got one three months ago. It was a sunny day and I was in the mood for some frozen yogurt. The closest frozen yogurt shop was 25 minutes away from my house. As I was driving on the quiet suburban road, I was losing my patience. The speed limit was posted as 45 mph but I decided to go 60 mph. There were barely cars out, so I didn't expect cops to be out there. Well, all fool me. There was a cop following behind me with his "blinking lights" on. As I parked, I remember feeling scared and nervous while I waited for the cop to hand me my ticket. My court date was a month after my incident. Since I was under 21 years old, it was mandatory for me to bring my parent. Unlike others who just came to pay the fine and leave. Court was three dreadful hours long. When It was my turn to be called up front, the judge told me that since it was my first time he would let me go. But I had to take a six hour Defensive Driving course. I also had to pay a fine that was $178.25. I had to come back to court a month later to show them proof that I completed my course and to pay the fine that day. As we drive, we become rebellious and we don't realize how fast we are going. From now on, I'm more alert than ever. Because I would never want to go to that awful process again. Drive safely!

1 comment:

  1. You are luckier than me. I have a same experience. The speed limit was 45 mph, but my speed was 69 mph. I am also under 21 years old. And I have to go to the court because speeding more than 24 mph. Finally, I will pay a fine that $363. And I need do 20 hours community service and go to the drive school; or loss 3 points. Right now, I don't decide choose which one is better. And since I got a ticket, I always pay attention to the speed limit. Drive safely!
