Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Being the oldest

I'm the oldest out of four siblings. I have two younger brothers and one younger sister. Only one sibling is related to me and he is the second oldest. He attends high school with my step sister. Lastly, my step brother who is still in elemantary school. Having a big family has it's good sides, but being the oldest, there's always disadvantages. The advantages of being the oldest out of the bunch, is that you will never get "bored." There is always some kind of action going around the house. On a average day you can hear the television playing cartoons, annoyed teenagers yelling at each other from across the room, everyone crying out what they want for dinner time. ( And why can't they agree on one thing? ) But those are what makes my days interesting. I'm also a mentor. My younger sister asks me for advice. For instance, boyfriends, school, and shopping. Since I'm a step ahead of her in life, she can always trust me to give her help. Then there are some disadvantages. I'm thankful that my parents respect me but sometimes it can be a burden. Being the oldest, my parents give me a lot of chores. For example, driving my brother and sister to school, and the youngest to karate class while keeping up with my daily activities. It's hard to be isolated at home, where I can think for myself. Overall, being the oldest has many benefits. It's always nice having the bigger room, the better and newest car, and not having to worry about hand-me-downs. I don't think I'll take my position down as being the oldest anytime soon. :-p


  1. I am the younger of two in my family and my sister often talks about how the oldest child is treated. I can relate closely to this and I can totally see the benefits and disadvantages of being the older kid even though I am the younger one.

  2. I'm the oldest and I like it because I got everything first like a new car, job, and clothes. I found that it could be difficult being the oldest because I had to babysit for my parents sometimes, or I was looked as a role model, and if I didn't do good in a certain area I was a failure in my brothers and sister eyes. It's better now because I moved out, so they can call me for advice on things.
