Thursday, June 3, 2010

No pain No gain

I go to gym 5 times a week. It's my second home. Yes, I do go regualry and if I miss a day I feel incomplete. Like something that I did not accomplish that day. Staying healthy is really important to me. I am not stating this because it's obvious, but I truly devote to it. My friends believe I go to shed a couple of pounds, but that's not the whole story. Not only exercising keeps me in shape, but it keeps my heart happy. It is good for the mind, body, and soul. When I see people who doesn't think daily exercise is important I automatically think they are physically and mentally lazy. I have a friend who is overweight and the gym is not his favorite place in the world. When he goes, he runs on the treadmill for a good ten minutes, then gives up. He said that his body is telling him to stop. I tell him, "No. It's because your body is not used to it. You need to keep going if you want to reach that goal." I mean if you can't even run for atleast twenty minutes, how are you going to do well in school, or at your job? Are you going to give up because your mind is telling you to stop? When I'm on the treadmill I set a goal. I think to myself that I'm going to run 3 miles for about 40 minutes. When I reach the end, I feel a rush of excitment and feel satisfied. I put a grin on my face and think, "Yes anything is possible if you truly want it; if you are devoted.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you but you have to considered that going to the gym is time consuming. For instance, I would loved to go to the gym every day, but working full-time, being a mother, and going to school will probably not be something that I would have time for.Everyone situation is different money could be an issue why people do not eat healthy because healthy food is expensive. A healthy body is always good for anyone.
